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Dissenter is a browser extension and website that allows Gab users to comment on content hosted on any website. Launched by Gab in 2019, Dissenter provides a platform for free speech and open dialogue, bypassing traditional comment sections that might be restricted or moderated.

Dissenter works by creating an overlay on any web page where users can post comments. These comments are visible to other Dissenter users, allowing for discussions and debates on a wide range of topics. The extension supports popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, making it accessible to a large audience.

The platform emphasizes freedom of speech. Users can express their opinions on any content without fear of censorship. This open environment encourages diverse viewpoints and lively discussions. However, it also means that comments are not moderated, which can lead to controversial or offensive content.

To use Dissenter, users must create an account on Gab, a social media platform known for its focus on free speech. Once registered, users can download the Dissenter browser extension and start commenting on any website. The process is simple and intuitive, enabling quick engagement with online content.

You can find additional information on the official website.

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